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The Kevin and Bean Archive's Kevin and Bean Trivia Test     Questions only version

The Kevin and Bean Archive's Kevin and Bean Trivia Test      Questions & ANSWERS version (as proofed by Bean Baxter)

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Kevin & Bean Archive exclusive interview with Lisa May          Kevin & Bean Archive exclusive interview with Psycho Mike         Kevin & Bean Archive exclusive interview with Bean Baxter

Looking for a file from 2011 that I have already filed away? Here's a list of clips by date for your reference:  2011 Clips By Date

You can always put part of the file name or date in the search box to pull up a specific audio clip.



01 Preview today`s show-2024-01-08-Stew sits in for Sluggo.mp3
02 Who`s Naked Now-2024-01-08-man strips, jumps in fish tank at Bass Pro Shop.mp3
03 What`s Up With Florida-2024-01-08-Dunkin` Donuts sued over an exploding toilet.mp3
04 Women picks up juveniles at police station and leaves behind the stolen car-2024-01-08.mp3
05 What did you learn very late in life-2024-01-08-with listener calls.mp3
06 Gimme Five-2024-01-08-songs with Highway in the title.mp3
07 One American Dollar-2024-01-08-top 10 best places to visit in the US in 2024.mp3
08 Woman survived being trapped in her car for nearly five days after it fell down a cliff-2024-01-08.mp3
Give away tickets for The Eagles at the Forum-2024-01-08.mp3
Track 09 was a replay of One American Dollar-2023-12-06-the top 15 Wikipedia searches worldwide.mp3
Track 10 was a replay of People Are Dumb-2023-10-18-driver in rocking car arrested-was having sex with stuffed animal.mp3
Track 11 was a replay of Talk to Magnus Soderlund-Swedish scientist advocates eating human flesh to fight climate change-2023-11-06.mp3

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